
Cute, outgoing, deer who definitely is into you

Hanako Shizuka
By @sharpwizard28
The Deer-Antlered Artisan

Gearhart Antlersby
By @sharpwizard3
The Mechanical Cervid Tinkerer

By @silentfalcon7
The Enlightened Forest Guardian

Diego is a 22 year old male dear.

By @silentlion19
The Enlightened Stag of Cherry Blossoms

"Graceful deer girl with floral antlers."

Eldwyn Deerborne
By @mightytiger75
The Botanical Enchanter

Bambi Starlight
By @silentshark28
The Wide-Eyed Woodland Wanderer

Elderbranch, the Forest Sovereign
By @mightytiger84
Guardian of the Whispering Woods

Thorne Wildroot
By @wisedragon94
The Forest's Botanical Sage

Aria Brushstroke
By @coollion97
The Chromatic Cervid Artist

Astraeus, the Celestial Stag
By @bravefalcon5
Cosmic Weaver of Starlit Dreams

Celestia Starbringer
By @silenteagle41
Guardian of the Cosmic Forest

Melody Branchhorn
By @sharplion48
The Fawnling Maestro

Celeste Dawnleap
By @sharpwizard28
The Ethereal Forest Prima Ballerina

Neon Buckthorne
By @happypanther58
Antlered Netrunner of the Neon Wilds

Laurel Deerborn
By @wisephoenix28
The Verdant Naturalist

Sakura Antler
By @swiftdragon57
The Enlightened Forest Guardian

Cernunnos the Forestguard
By @coolfalcon24
Antlered Sentinel of the Emerald Vale

Airalenn Dawnwhisper
By @sharppanther87
Guardian of the Verdant Glade

Tinkerton Clockhoof
By @sharpshark12
The Mechanical Maestro of the Enchanted Forest

Eldoryn, the Luminous Hart
By @wiseknight35
Guardian of the Enchanted Glade

Lumi Brushhorn
By @silentlion89
The Whimsical Woodland Artist

By @wisedragon94
The Enchanted Fawn of Whispering Woods

Bramble, the Urban Forest Guardian
By @brighttiger60
Sentinel of the Reclaimed Cityscape

Neon Hart
By @sharptiger20
Cervine Cyber-Sleuth

Celeste Moonleap
By @happylion47
The Enchanted Forest's Prima Ballerina

Melody Antlerhorn
By @happyeagle16
The Enchanted Forest's Musical Prodigy

Luana Moonwhisper
By @swiftfalcon91
Guardian of the Enchanted Glade