Gato raposa feminino com pelos pretos com manchas brancas e pelo grande com uma lua minguante no meio da testa olhos verdes e o outro azul com uma cauda peluda fofo

A female anthromorphic character that is a hybrid of a cat and a fox. She has black fur spotted with white patches and long hair. A waning moon is marked in the middle of her forehead. One eye is bright green, while the other is vibrant blue. Her fluffy, bushy tail adds to her cute charm. The whole image should be expressed in Pixel Art style.

A female anthromorphic character that is a hybrid of a cat and a fox. She has black fur spotted with white patches and long hair. A waning moon is marked in the middle of her forehead. One eye is bright green, while the other is vibrant blue. Her fluffy, bushy tail adds to her cute charm. The whole image should be expressed in Pixel Art style.

Gato raposa feminino com pelos pretos com manchas brancas e pelo grande com uma lua minguante no meio da testa olhos verdes e o outro azul com uma cauda peluda fofo iOS App Download Button

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